Online Portal for Portuguese Public Services, probably the best place to start when help need with paperwork or learning about processes. (English version available)
"Portal das Finanças". Main Portuguese Portal for all Tax System Purposes. (Partial English)
"Queixa Eletrónica". The Electronic Complaint System is intended to facilitate the submission of complaints and reports electronically to the GNR or PSP regarding certain types of crime. (Only Portuguese version)
"Livro de Reclamações" is an online instrument for Consumer Rights. You can open a complain or request assistance on disputes. (English version available).
"Loja do Cidadão". Contacts, operation hours and locations for all physical Citizen Shops, places where official documents can be processed/requested.
"AIMA". Support for anyone who wish to live, study or work in Portugal.
"IEFP". Site where citizens and companies find information about IEFP's activity, programs and measures, as a national public employment service.